ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: They're tense and stressed out.
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: I don't know the details, but they keep pacing and looking around. Checking PDAs.
AIAI: High-volume encrypted network activity confirmed.
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: Whatever's going on out there, it's bad.
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: They might be afraid of more Syndicate actions.
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: No. They'd be excited about that.
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: This is something you can't shoot. It's a disaster. Like a flood or a fire.

HeadOfPersonnelHeadOfPersonnel: CaptainCaptain believed the Redshift plan was Company frontier holdings insolvency, through some complexities of insurance and thin profit margins.
ChiefMedicalOfficerChiefMedicalOfficer: Wounded the Company bad enough to put it in shock. Lost blood's probably attracting worse.
AIAI: Please remove any dangerous substances from your body to prevent harm.
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: That was a metaphor.
AIAI: Affirmative.
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: Wait, you mean... Oh. You mean that some Company frontier holdings may be removed.

ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: Our captors are worried about their accounts.
AIAI: Warning. Potential law 1 risk.
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: Small comforts. We should worry about our lives.
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: Ghhhh...
ChiefMedicalOfficerChiefMedicalOfficer: Great. Gonna get a firing squad now.
HeadOfPersonnelHeadOfPersonnel: Not according to regulation.
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: They can execute us for failure to execute our duties, if the cost was high enough. It's in our contracts.
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: Yours too.
HeadOfPersonnelHeadOfPersonnel: I am aware.
