HeadOfPersonnel: I told you, I gave us the best defense in the tribunal that I could.
HeadOfPersonnel: We will not be executed. We'll still be punished.
ChiefEngineer: You--...
ChiefEngineer: Explain.
HeadOfPersonnel: The tribunal mediator and prosecutor don't want us dead, because they are decent people who are doing their jobs. They let me use my remaining authority.
HeadOfPersonnel: While the station's integrity may currently be "destroyed", I still am de-facto captain for regulatory reasons. I used its remaining budget on record, as well as all available money in all of our accounts, to execute an obscure financial maneuver.
ChiefEngineer: Which was?
HeadOfPersonnel: Purchasing precisely one minute of yearly ownership of the station from specific investors liquidating their holdings through obscure financial securities mechanisms.
HeadOfPersonnel: Due to in-quarter retroactivity of time-divided long positions, we had majority ownership of the station, when it exploded.
ResearchDirector: That is... the most moronic thing I have ever heard.
ResearchDirector: That is possible?
AI: Affirmative.
ChiefEngineer: So now we're going to be executed, and we're broke.
ChiefEngineer: Hey,
ChiefMedicalOfficer, it's fine for me to re-open wounds while strangling someone if I'm going to die soon, right?
ChiefMedicalOfficer: Don't. Just listen, and hope she hasn't gone unhinged.
HeadOfPersonnel: This means that the station was our property when it was destroyed.
HeadOfPersonnel: We are now... steeply in debt to the Company.
HeadOfPersonnel: But we are not going to be executed.