RedDwarfRedDwarf: Ponder Syndicate heirarchy and exactly how much shit you're going to be in on your way to the kitchen.

You head out for a minute. You should go get RedGiantRedGiant for debriefing between all his cooking. Which will mean prepping the team for some blowback from the Syndicate. Enough to screw up your funding and support and take some punishment. But not too much, they've got bigger fish to fry now. Bloodletters and the Board won't like it, sure, but they're going to be too busy trying to get recruits in a destabilized frontier. Once this crisis is done, you can smooth things over with them.

The Unofficial Company Protocol Guide has this to say on the topic of the Syndicate:

The origin of the Syndicate is one that is embarrassing to both the Company and the Syndicate. In its original form, the Department of Antagonism was a loyal paramilitary and disinformation organization, subordinate to the Company. It performed live-fire disaster drills simulating disparate fringe opposition elements, it staged false-flag operations and performed wetwork operations to eliminate obstructions in a deniable way, and most importantly, it provided a highly regulated, extensively recorded bureaucratic channel for actual people with actual grievances to perform their actual rebellion through an elaborate fiction of a vast crime syndicate, in ways which cut through corporate inefficiencies.

As time went on, however, the act of cutting through corporate inefficiencies grated on men with long job titles and large egos. Furthermore, due to the principle that anything done disingenuously or ironically with any regularity becomes authentic, the so-called Syndicate's membership accumulated more and more sincere hatred of the Company. Records are conflicted about whether the executives ordered the Department of Antagonism terminated due to office politics, or the Department of Antagonism became too disloyal and went into rebellion, but the relationship is no longer any very loyal one.
