There's a knock (well, a knock-like electronic entry query) at your door. You call them in! Anyone at the outpost you call home is a beloved friend of yours.
WhiteDwarf: Ah,
RedGiant. I see you have already revived from your recuperative slumber...
WhiteDwarf: Truly no wounds can exceed the power of your overwhelming vitality, given a proper period of rest.
RedGiant: Thanks! I did the resting myself.
WhiteDwarf: Indeed.
RedGiant: Still pretty tired though...
WhiteDwarf: You have been spending a great deal of your energy on recovering from your own wounds, after all. Even worse than the standard chronically-distracting fatigue that seals away your true power.
WhiteDwarf: Speaking of health, the others seem to be relatively recovered as well.
RedGiant: Wow, that's great!
RedGiant: Everyone was so stressed and hurt, yesterday.
WhiteDwarf: Hmhm, perhaps. We were each pushed to our limits, and in many ways, exceeded them.
WhiteDwarf: I was hoping you could help me with something important, though.
RedGiant: Oh, I'd love to help!
WhiteDwarf: I am looking to provide certain... social and emotional support to
RedDwarf today.
WhiteDwarf: Not that he direly needs such things, of course, but the complexities of yesterday may have impacted him more than most.
RedGiant: Oh, uh oh. There were a lot of complexities yesterday.
RedGiant: I couldn't really keep track of anything, but I hope I can be there to support him.
WhiteDwarf: Indeed. I know you are likely greatly exhausted, but would you be able to make a meal that is revitalizing to him, and fitting to his tastes?
RedGiant: Yeah, I'm really tired. It'll be kind of hard to focus on that. But I think I can give it a shot, if you'll make some tea for me!
RedGiant: Think it'll help him feel better?
WhiteDwarf: All predictions indicate as much.
RedGiant: Alright! I think I know just the recipe to make.