WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Check your messages from ChaplainChaplain real quick first.

You don't need the incredible power of prediction to guess that would be a really, really bad idea for you. You can almost hear him shouting over there. You have to ghost him for now, and call up SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg!

WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: I see the technicians have wasted no time whatsoever.
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: I mean, I guess the robot body was Company-made.
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: Maybe these Source guys want the technology?
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: The Company spares every expense, aside from digital rights management.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: It is more likely that they didn't want your hardwired subscription to Premium Arm Motorics traced to them, and billed to their accounts.
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: You got to keep your robot arm!
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Certainly. I am breaking a great deal of protocol in doing so.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: However, the grand weight of my curse drains me. I trade this small breach of protocol for the relief from exhaustion.
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: Huh. I guess...
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Do you truly wish for that body, or its appendages?

SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: Uhhh... I could take it or leave it at this point.
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: Kind of clumsy, couldn't pick stuff up... I'd like to have eyes again, too.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Indeed. The bigger the better.
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: I don't... know what that means.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: It is of no relevance, continue.
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: They said I can get a new body soon, but it's gonna be a little while.
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: But, I'll get to customize it and everything! You might not even recognize me after it's done.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Oho, interesting.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: A transformative moment, in the direst of stressful situations.

SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: These Source guys are actually kind of cool.
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: I always heard you guys were... lazy, I guess?
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: A common rhetoric, deployed against our Syndicate. We have no numeric, financial aspirations, only personal.
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: But you're doing so much to help me. I mean, RedDwarfRedDwarf made sure I'd survive, and you guys got me those robotics techs, and...
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: I guess I thought I'd just be a statistic?
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: It is the root of our ideology, that no man ought to be a statistic. All things should be personal, in the end.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: While our leader's Egregorist sentiment is certainly niche, you will find that specific sentiment shared among the Syndicate as a whole.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Take it personally, every time. The good, and the bad.

SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: Does that mean I should take it personally that you guys killed me?
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Wait.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Take everything else besides that part personally.

SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: Completely skip any possible friction