SyndieCyborg: Completely skip any possible friction
RedDwarf: Oh, hey. Morning.
WhiteDwarf: Good morning. Are you recovering well?
RedDwarf: Hurts less with the meds in me. What're you doing?
WhiteDwarf: I have
SyndieCyborg on a call.
RedDwarf: Was wondering what happened with that guy.
SyndieCyborg: I'm okay, actually! Just disassembled for a bit.
RedDwarf: Wait, crap, I just realized.
RedDwarf: Are you one of the dudes I killed? Or one of the dudes
WhiteDwarf killed?
WhiteDwarf: Ghhk.
RedDwarf: You mad about that?
SyndieCyborg: Uhhhh...
WhiteDwarf: Perhaps we should leave such grim matters bereft of discussion.
RedDwarf: What are you talking about? You love talking about grim matters.
RedDwarf: I can't get you to stop telling me about curses.
WhiteDwarf: Hhh.