WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Table the Slayer-chan thing and make sure your leader isn't still internally bleeding

He's had it pretty rough, and diverting this is wise so he'll feel better as soon as possible..

WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Ah, look, our conversation has diverged from the news, I should turn that off.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: I'd like to make sure you are still recovering well, given what happened yesterday.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Hold on, a minute, I need to look at more cringe.

Oh space Jesus Christ.

WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Are you sure? I know you're not enraged, but it may at some point begin to upset you.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: I'm not mad.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: I said you aren't, but perhaps they might find a way to agitate you.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Maybe we could discuss your injuries?
RedDwarfRedDwarf: It's just, can you believe what they're saying?
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: I lived through its falseness, by necessity I absolutely cannot.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: No, I mean, can you believe they're sayin' it!? And people just listen to this crap!
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: I believe we have passed by this landmark a few times.

WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf : Tell RedDwarfRedDwarf to watch his blood pressure.