HeadOfSecurity: Me, I say go for cause. Let go, and die.
RedDwarf: Yeah, let's hear the unbiased case for me dying from the crazed gunman.
HeadOfSecurity: Fuck you. I was willing to die for what I believed in. And you know what?
HeadOfSecurity: They don't speak ill of the dead.
RedDwarf: What, you mean martyrdom?
HeadOfSecurity: Even that bitch that iced me is gonna honor me.
HeadOfSecurity: Everyone's gonna know I chased you up and down the station with nothing but an energy gun. They're gonna know I fist-fought a seven-foot operative in a depressurizing room. They're gonna know I didn't give up.
HeadOfSecurity: Sure, I died. Made some mistakes, too. But, you got any idea how many thousands of
SecOfficers are gonna be just a little more determined to keep a station safe now?
HeadOfSecurity: I died fighting for the frontier. I put my life on the line for my crew, and for everyone. It was complicated, and there were mistakes. But at the end of the day, are you gonna get anything better than that?
RedDwarf: ...
RedDwarf: Guess not.
HeadOfSecurity: And you know what? Your goddamn idiot tunnel-vision objective-blitz shit? It's better than a lot of the psychos would do on their own.
HeadOfSecurity: You die, and you'll inspire them too. To pick real targets and focus hard. To leave the crews out of the line of fire when they can. Maybe rile up some peaceful oppositions too, fix some of the Company's problems. Social pressures.
HeadOfSecurity: So, no. I'm not just callin' you a terrorist bastard. I'm saying, death is worth it. Right in this moment, it's worth it. It'd do good. Flawlessly.