RedGiantRedGiant: Ask NeutronNeutron to help you find your leader !

RedGiantRedGiant: Hup!
RedGiantRedGiant: Alright! NeutronNeutron!
RedGiantRedGiant: NeutronNeutron!
NeutronNeutron: Huh?
RedGiantRedGiant: I know you get bored or something, without objectives.
RedGiantRedGiant: I need you to help me out, okay?
RedGiantRedGiant: Your next objective is to find RedDwarfRedDwarf!
NeutronNeutron: Alright.

You can always trust NeutronNeutron to get the complex things done for you, as long as you give them the right support.

NeutronNeutron: Consider RedDwarfRedDwarf's target. High likelihood they are near it and encountering obstacle.