RedGiant: Did we forget to clean our shoes on our way in?
Oh wow, maybe! Wow, maybe you've been tracking all over the place! That ChiefEngineer sure seems stressed about a mess, you don't want to make it any worse. You clomp your feet on the big thing you knocked over to shake any ash loose while you walk to the edge, and then stomp extra hard when jumping down to really make it work!
ChiefEngineer: I SAID!
ChiefEngineer: S-S... STAY....
ChiefEngineer inhales deeply, seemingly calming down on their own.
ChiefEngineer: Keep your distance. Nothing but ash for hundreds of meters, you hear me?
RedGiant: Sure do! Don't worry, I won't make a mess. Oh, wait, deafness. Uh, how does this go...