RedGiant: Sign "Bad idea, dangerous item present."
RedGiant: Danger... here...
RedGiant: ☠📍
RedGiant: Bad... idea?
RedGiant: ⚠⚠💀💭⚠⚠
RedGiant: Wait, "present"? Was that supposed to be "package"? What was I saying...
RedGiant: ⚠📦⚠
ChiefEngineer: I'm not... gh... I'm not goddamn scared of you!
RedGiant: Huh? Oh thank goodness! Everyone else seems so stressed around me here.
They don't hear you.
ChiefEngineer: If you leave that package here, I might as well have turned the damn valve myself.
RedGiant: Oh, you don't... want to do that?
RedGiant: Alright, uhhhh...
RedGiant: What... do... you... want... to... do?
RedGiant: ❓
ChiefEngineer: Same as I always do. Keep this goddamn crew alive and together.
RedGiant: Aww, that's so kind! You sound like you're as supportive of your friends as I am!