RedGiantRedGiant: Hey! RedDwarfRedDwarf!
RedDwarfRedDwarf: What?
RedGiantRedGiant: Well, I happened to overhear HeadOfSecurityHeadOfSecurity over at the cargo bay.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Ah, you've met the soon-to-be-dead man?
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Stick to the nuke job, can't all get tangled here.
RedGiantRedGiant: Don't worry! I'm remembering. "Get the Package from the shuttle." I won't forget!
RedGiantRedGiant: But, also, he said the crew are really scared of something, and looking for weapons!
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Well, ain't gonna be ordering any. Are they, RedGiantRedGiant?
RedGiantRedGiant: That's what he said, yeah!
RedDwarfRedDwarf: And they ain't gonna find a speck in the armory, are they WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf?
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Such lesser weapons are beneath me to even fight. Each is cast to the void.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf, you on your way?
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Let us see if HeadOfSecurityHeadOfSecurity's prestige fits his power.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Perfect. Then everything's exactly how we need it.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Not a thing that can mess this up now.

WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Use the downtime to consider a name for the spider.