WhiteDwarf: Use the downtime to consider a name for the spider.
You head to the Cargo Bay lobby and chat with your new companion as you do.
WhiteDwarf: Perhaps I could name you after one of my clan. Have I told you of my clan? Well, our clan now.
Spider chitters quietly.
WhiteDwarf: Of course not.
WhiteDwarf: We lunar shinobi are, you must understand, notoriously secretive. Our notoriety combined with our mystery is what motivates interest such as yours.
Spider chitters.
WhiteDwarf: Astute question. Of course, the names of our clan's most death-dealing and death-defying members are known, in most-wanted lists and secretive broker contact archives.
WhiteDwarf: Perhaps you have heard of some? What name would you suggest?
That's hardly a good name.