RedDwarf: I don't know for sure.
RedDwarf: "Cognitive Synergy", they call it. Something to do with the neural bridges.
Neutron: The psychoparadigm equipment?
RedDwarf: Yeah. The loyalty raters.
RedDwarf: They've been collecting psychoparadigms, trying to find candidates for something.
WhiteDwarf: Our medical and employment records. Almost everyone in the frontier sector has worked for the Company at one point or another, after all...
Neutron: All of us too.
RedDwarf: You were one of them,
Neutron. They pulled up your old Company records.
RedDwarf: They were going to target you. My team.
RedGiant: ...I don't like that. Why would they do that?
RedGiant: I don't really have any idea what they're doing, but we need to stop them.
RedDwarf: We already hurt the Company bad, but they were already gonna die sooner or later. Can't keep screwing up new frontiers forever.
WhiteDwarf: There are only so many stars in the heavens. Even without our maneuvers, it was doomed, in a way.
Neutron: That would take years. Dozens, hundreds.
RedGiant: But not forever...
RedDwarf: Exactly. The top execs think the Egregore Project will make the Company last forever. They think they can give the Egregore some kind of real, sustainable life.
WhiteDwarf: But now that it is bleeding out, as you claim...
RedDwarf: Now that we gave them a mortal wound, they're gonna move on it fast.
WhiteDwarf: So what have you been doing to stop that?
WhiteDwarf: What can we do, to help?