Neutron: You don't want to try to find out what the secret was?
WhiteDwarf: I barely suspect that there was a secret to begin with. Maybe I am in combat with shadows far less substantial than the dark curses I already battle.
WhiteDwarf: But no. All I want to do is ensure that he feels supported, after a time of potential dark, painful isolation.
WhiteDwarf: If he wishes to keep a secret, I will await its dramatic revelation or allow its silent contemplation.
Neutron: Yeah.
Neutron: That's a good feeling about it. Good objective, I'll get it done.
WhiteDwarf: And thank you for keeping up your habit of not dry-swallowing the pills, for my sake.
WhiteDwarf: He only saw you do it once, and still that horrible machismo he has about it is indefatigable.
Neutron: Yeah.
Neutron: He wants to debrief soon, right?
WhiteDwarf: Indeed. Perhaps I should go see if
RedGiant has yet risen... He seemed so worried about
RedDwarf, I am sure he would like to be awake to help as well.