RedDwarfRedDwarf: read the contents of your wanted poster, feel a sense of pride and accomplishment

You and like-minded people like to gather copies of wanted posters of notorious galactic freedom fighters, which tend to have "editions" and "limited run sets" and other collectability aspects. Is it egotistical to keep a copy of your own? Sure, but they also give you more resolve and determination. You leave a lot of them around the outpost, and sometimes you examine them to improve your morale.

It says...

Wanted for destruction of Company property, disruption of sanctioned profit, corporate espionage, industrial libel, assault of corporate officers....

It goes on for a bit. You love this one. It's from just a couple years ago, but pre-bombing posters are probably gonna be rare and valued after what happened yesterday.

RedDwarfRedDwarf: Ponder the poster above your bed