ResearchDirector : You can't save him, you're unarmed. It hurts so much, but you need to live too.
It's what he would have wanted. You move to departures.
ResearchDirector: All that struggle. Did it have a purpose?
AI: Clarify search term.
ResearchDirector: Did we achieve anything in the face of this onslaught?
AI: Searching...
AI: Onboard research recovery: 120 teraquads of data. Onboard salvage recovery: 110,000 units of materials.
AI: Twenty seconds to launch.
ResearchDirector: People staked their lives against this. For nothing but salvage and research.
AI buzzes and warbles, synthesizing oddly.
AI: Confirmed.
The two of you struggle to make sense of all this. One day, you might find an answer.