You were RedDwarf. You were leader of the notoriously nuclear gang of fixers and criminals known as the Redshift Operators. The Company established yet another hideously unsafe space station to exploit this solar system's resources, until it was brought down by your efforts, igniting a cascade of financial failures throughout the frontier sector. A long campaign of violent subversion took you to their airlocks in search of explosively radiological solutions to economic problems. You found your solution.
Your subordinates, RedGiant,
WhiteDwarf, and
Neutron worked under your command, and survived the events aboard the station. Your primary objective was to find a nuclear authentication disk, then plant and activate your nuclear device inside the station's own vault. Your secondary objective, locating a set of secret files, was achieved, but the secret dies with you. Your tertiary objectives were the murder of at least all of security and the command staff, an objective you partially achieved at great effort. Your compulsions were of a self-destructive nature.
This is the end, isn't it?