HeadOfPersonnel: Board the escape shuttle and exchange reports with ChiefMedicalOfficer.
HeadOfPersonnel: Status report.
ChiefMedicalOfficer: Most active suit medical sensor suites read dead, departing, or departed.
Chaplain: By unworthy hand, soon we will be nothing but the departed and the dearly departed...
ChiefMedicalOfficer: Two exceptions.
HeadOfPersonnel: The two remaining are--
ChiefMedicalOfficer: Captain and ResearchDirector.
HeadOfPersonnel: ResearchDirector will be with us shortly.
ChiefMedicalOfficer: Status on Captain? Suit sensors read he's alive. Intensely elevated heart rate.
ChiefMedicalOfficer: Hey.
ChiefMedicalOfficer: I said--
ChiefEngineer: Yeah.