Captain: You're not walking away from this one, son.
RedDwarf: Fuck you, company man. I'm still breathing and armed.
Captain: You still got a choice. You still got a chance.
Captain: Drop that gun and hand over the disk. You'll get treated decently.
RedDwarf: Decently? Like how your crony blew
HeadOfSecurity's brains out?
RedDwarf: She tried that line on me too.
Captain: ...
RedDwarf: This is not a choice, and not a fucking chance.
RedDwarf: I have to do everything I can to kill the Company. No other options.
RedDwarf: Knife goes in the heart of this monster tonight.
Captain: You have any idea how many people die on this frontier if you don't get that bomb disarmed?
Captain: Resources, personnel, information... Son, this whole sector's gonna go wasteland.
RedDwarf: Human shields don't mean the egregore deserves to live. Just makes it deserve to die more. More will die and hurt with the goddamn Company.
Captain: No empathy gut feeling's gonna justify the collateral damage shit you're about to put these people through, hurting the frontier like this! I can't count how many people are gonna die, and it's gonna be all on you.
RedDwarf: And your bullshit math rationalizations mean it's fine to let the Egregore live!? It's okay for everyone to work themselves to death, just 'cause the Company made hurting it need sacrifice? More I wait, the more lives are at risk.
Captain: Don't got time for this.
RedDwarf: Sure don't.
RedDwarf: This ends now.
Captain: That it does, son.