RedGiant : Hey,
RedDwarf, is this a bad time to check in?
RedGiant: Hey,
RedDwarf! Are you okay? It seemed like--
RedDwarf: Ghhh... Still here!
RedGiant: Wow! You sound stressed. Anything I can do to help?
RedDwarf: Tons! Could take my stress down a whole lot of notches to have that disk!
RedGiant: Oh, does it help that laser sound stop?
RedDwarf: You know what?
RedDwarf: It sure does, one way or another.
RedGiant: I couldn't really keep up with the plan before, but I know
WhiteDwarf just finished up what she was doing!
RedDwarf: Status on her?
RedGiant: I think she won that fight she was having! It took a while, but...
RedDwarf: God damn. Knew she'd come through.
RedGiant: So, if whatever that was is waiting on her, you'll be okay soon!
Neutron is gonna fly us all over as soon as
WhiteDwarf is aboard. So, head out for us to pick you up soon!
RedDwarf: Ghhhh... gonna be tougher than that sounds.
RedGiant: Can I help?
RedDwarf: Get that shuttle here, and get me that disk! Then you can do whatever you want.
RedGiant: Okay!