HeadOfPersonnel: walk into the vault
You can recognize the tension in the air. There's a good chance that Captain doesn't walk away from this. You've killed for him once today, and however much you regret or don't regret that in retrospect, you'll do it again if you have to.
HeadOfPersonnel: Sir. I want to assist as well.
HeadOfPersonnel: I can fire on him from this direction. Maybe draw attention.
Captain: Maybe other way around. Got the makings of a plan here, you know.
ChiefEngineer and I can start a breach on the outside.
ResearchDirector can get a teleport ready for the escape dock, make an escape route for any of us if it gets too heated.
ChiefMedicalOfficer, you get there, be ready to give any of us first aid.
HeadOfPersonnel, you can keep his attention on the proper way in or get a shot at him on when he focuses on us.
Captain: Don't need to put the crew at risk. Barely need to put any of us at risk. And we can get the vault secure, all go home.
Captain: There's still a chance. A third option and a perfect ending here, even though we called the evac...
HeadOfPersonnel: Sir, if you think you can recover this situation, I will do anything I can to make it right.
Captain: You know you'll still have to go in for the corporate tribunal about what you did. There's blood on your hands. Even if you fix this.
HeadOfPersonnel: Correct, sir. That's what the regulations say. But there's work to be done now.
Captain: Sure is. Alright, then.