RedDwarf: See if you can shove some lockers or debris into the hall for a barricade
Savvy. Shoving the entire safe out into the hall is tough, but you manage. You can fire lasers through the glass to hit anyone charging. This will solve a lot of your defensive concerns.
HeadOfPersonnel: I don't know what that means.
RedDwarf: It's what I'm here to kill. Because it'll kill me, no second thoughts. That piece of shit will kill you too, if you let it.
RedDwarf: Fuck off, take your shot, or help me. I'm not compromising with the monster, even if you turned on your own species to help it.
HeadOfPersonnel: I am Jacent, not human.
RedDwarf: Sure are. And you're still a traitor, betraying life like us for life like them.
RedDwarf: Take a shot at me if you want, but it better be because you want to, not because your goddamn Company's wise regulations know it ought to happen.
RedDwarf: Do you want to kill me? Do you want to have this showdown, huh? Stake your life on it?
HeadOfPersonnel: You hurt Captain.
RedDwarf: That's a reason. And you know what? If you put joules through me and HeadOfSecurity over that, and not the Company, it'll be the only right things you do today.
RedDwarf: But you're doing it for the egregore. And that thing will kill you before it thanks you.