SpiderSpider : You just feel hungry.

You've been experiencing a strange internal chemical feelings-state ever since all the terrain stood near that weird light square. You mistake that feeling for hunger. And so, during your terrain's motions, you decide to jump onto the exceedingly warm terrain-shape that very much isn't friend-shaped, and get a snack.

You hint at something yet to be made clear.

WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Some things are entirely unpredictable, even for me. And it is their merit, not their fault, that makes it so.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Now both of you, come quickly! We have a clear shot to the transit tube, and a clear path through this dark future!
SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg: Alright, pulling back!
SpiderSpider chitters.

WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf :Though SyndieCyborgSyndieCyborg is accompanying you, the beef is between you and ChaplainChaplain alone.