SyndieCyborg: Before
WhiteDwarf goes to duel the
Chaplain, is there any advice you can give her about him?
SyndieCyborg: On my right, one slipping through!
WhiteDwarf: I shall halt him where he stands.
SyndieCyborg: Hey, listen--!
SyndieCyborg: Off'a me, hey!
CargoTech: Get it! Get it while it's talking!
SyndieCyborg: I said back off! Go to the damn shuttle!
StaffAssistant: Rip it apart!
SyndieCyborg: Dammit. Whatever.
SyndieCyborg: Listen,
WhiteDwarf, there's some stuff you gotta know about
WhiteDwarf: Hmmh. Regale me, then.
Between your durable form and the way you're covering WhiteDwarf, you're able to walk and talk, or in this case, fight and talk.
SyndieCyborg: You gotta watch out. I've never seen that guy give up. You aren't gonna find any will-breaking way of stopping him.
SyndieCyborg: We had to try to arrest him once.
WhiteDwarf: Ah? And what did you experience?
SyndieCyborg: Chased him from engineering to command to cargo and back again, and he was shouting the whole time.
ChiefEngineer had to hold him down while
ChiefMedicalOfficer pumped him full of who knows what chemicals, and he still just about booked it anyway before he was down.
WhiteDwarf: His Stars of Libra imbue him with no special sense of justice?
SyndieCyborg: I guess not. You can't gotcha him about rules or something. It's all about some kind of worthiness. I never really got it.