Captain: ...split up to face our tasks.
AI, start calling the shuttle and then monitor approaches to the disk.
ResearchDirector, I need you out to go secure valuable data.
ChiefEngineer, I want you keeping an eye on him.
HeadOfPersonnel, oversee
QuarterMaster transferring any cargo worth carrying.
ChiefMedicalOfficer, help me signal a full alert, then coordinate the evacuation with
AI. Help out any damned fools who get hurt trying to fight them.
Captain: I... I'm gonna stay here. Pay some respects to
HeadOfSecurity. Then I'll gear up and see what I can do. See what any of us can do.
HeadOfPersonnel, keep that gun since you'll be out and about. Even though...
HeadOfPersonnel: ...I would like to--
Captain: We've got an awful lot to talk about later.
Captain: We don't have an awful lot to talk about now.
Captain: I appreciate the loyalty.
HeadOfPersonnel: Understood.