RedDwarf : Describe the carnage you saw in your trademark graceful and tactful manner.
RedDwarf: Holy shit. He's got my gun!
Neutron: This is really dangerous.
WhiteDwarf: Do you think
Chaplain will get involved?
RedDwarf: I goddamn hope. That bastard took your arm, I hope he takes a bullet.
RedDwarf: No... no, dammit, doesn't look like he is.
Neutron: The other ones are talking.
Neutron: The lights. I think that was
RedGiant: Huh? What's going on?
WhiteDwarf: Oh! Observe the power of that tackle! She looks quite capable.
RedDwarf: Not enough, looks like.
RedDwarf: Shit, he's moving. I think they're about to--
Neutron: Mutual kill.
RedDwarf: Fuck, you're right! They might make our job easier.
Neutron: Not if
ChiefMedicalOfficer gets there.
RedDwarf: Well he won't be walking for long. Wish this had audio, can't tell what
ChiefEngineer is saying...
RedDwarf: FUCK!!
WhiteDwarf: Unthinkable! What kind of iron-fisted corporate dishonor do they allow in these stations?!
Neutron: He nearly killed the captain. Must be very loyal.
RedGiant: Is everything okay back there?
RedDwarf: The
HeadOfPersonnel just-- no. No, there it is.
Neutron: Objective located.
RedDwarf: So
Chaplain has it.
WhiteDwarf: ...This adds tremendous stakes to what comes next. Hmmh.
RedDwarf: And he's heading out. We can't pick up sound on this, so...
Neutron: This is all we can get.