Captain : Refuse Death. LEAD YOUR STATION.
Comedy: And there he goes. Honk!
Tragedy: 😌😌😌
Comedy: Right back into the bright and the pain! Right back onto the stage!
Comedy: Funny how a guy like that always heads straight for what punishes him most. Honk!
Tragedy: 😞
Comedy: Do you think he'll survive what comes next?
Tragedy: 🤷😟
Comedy: Of course you don't, you brainless mute. And me neither! Guess there's no way to know but to keep pushin' on. Honk!
Comedy: As for the rest of you...
Tragedy: 👋
Comedy: Take it easy! We'll be with you in a bit. We just gotta get things set up for the final curtain call. Honk!
Tragedy: ⏳
Comedy: Yep, all just a matter of time! We've got plenty more fun out here in the frontier sector, just for you. Look for us after three more scenes, and not one less!