ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer : Neutralize HeadOfSecurityHeadOfSecurity

You can't! You can't! One wrong move and that gun goes off. Every muscle in your body is screaming to act, but your brain knows what the heart refuses to acknowledge: A wounded engineer jumping a man with a gun and his one good eye on her isn't strength, it's suicide. Still, you can't stand by and do nothing.

ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: You want to put a goddamn bullet in me, then stop fucking around! If you want to do something, you do it. And if you don't want it, you goddamn don't!
HeadOfSecurityHeadOfSecurity: Quit being a child! It's not that simple!
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: Did you want to kill him? Did you wanna put a bullet in the man who helped you for twenty years?!
HeadOfSecurityHeadOfSecurity: ...He forced me to.
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: HE DIDN'T PULL YOUR TRIGGER!
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: And if you want to shoot me, then don't try to tell me who forced you to do it. Just fucking do it because you want to, or put the goddamn gun down and help if you want to help!

All you can do is draw his attention away from ResearchDirectorResearchDirector.

ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: AIAI, I need first aid procedures!
AIAI: Attention ResearchDirectorResearchDirector. The current course of action is not recommended due to high lethality.
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: He would do the same for me!
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: You think he would hesitate to risk death for any of us?
AIAI: buzz
AIAI: Area lethality is critical.
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: I know every minute detail of my ballistic risk, I assure you!
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: I have known this man half my life, and I will hesitate as much as he would!
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: Now give me guidance on this!

AIAI : Find a way to label ResearchDirectorResearchDirector as non-human