ChiefEngineer: use your tomboy girlboss muscles to restrain HeadOfSecurity
While you're pretty strong, and you've definitely been called a girlboss, this situation can't be solved by charging in. You whisper subtly to your coworkers while HeadOfSecurity and Captain confront one another verbally.
ResearchDirector: We have to-- We have to stop this.
ChiefMedicalOfficer: How?
ResearchDirector: ChiefEngineer has significant physical prowess and her equipment has thermal and electric resistance, she--
ChiefEngineer: That's kinetics.
ResearchDirector: What? Not his laser--
ChiefEngineer: His gun. That's a C20r ballistic submachine gun.
ResearchDirector: Wait-- you're right.
ResearchDirector: Your suit's heat transfer resistance--
ChiefEngineer: Doesn't matter.
ChiefEngineer: I'll go down in one shot.
ChiefMedicalOfficer: Anxious. Paranoid habits.
ChiefMedicalOfficer: He'll shoot us if we move.
ChiefMedicalOfficer: He'll shoot anything that moves.
ChiefEngineer: Can you get here?
ChiefMedicalOfficer: Not fast enough.
ResearchDirector: Wait for a distraction. If he shoots anything that moves, it'll take up his focus.
ResearchDirector: There has to be a chance.
ChiefMedicalOfficer: Maybe you can close the distance.
ChiefEngineer: Ready to move.
ChiefEngineer: But I need a chance first.