Arachnids do not possess the ability to recognize individual humans as distinct entities or, indeed, entities in general. However, a nice, safe, warm piece of terrain is always welcome, and in spite of evolution's limits, some kind of familiarity and fondness creeps through. The terrain in question seems excited too.

WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: You see? You see?
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: The bonded, sealed vessel of my own demonic energies!
RedDwarfRedDwarf: No way. No goddamn way.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Is that-- It is. The same fucking spider. What the hell.
NeutronNeutron: It did kind of seem like that would be wrong.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: I was right.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Right back to me! Because it's my demon-vessel, even though you insist on being wrong, RedDwarfRedDwarf.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: No goddamn way.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Are you willing to give up your skepticism now? Is this not too grand a coincidence, that it may lay bare the truth?
RedDwarfRedDwarf: That's deranged.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: You would reject my demonic vessel then?
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Oh, hell no. That's HeadOfSecurityHeadOfSecurity's pet. Stealing that's a petty bonus.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Don't lose that thing next time.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Even if I do, it shall return to me... the inescapable manifestation of the cursed energies I possess.
RedGiantRedGiant: Can I turn around yet? I wanna see the manifestation of cursed energies!
NeutronNeutron: Not yet, we still need to get the disk objective.

NeutronNeutron : Locate HeadOfSecurityHeadOfSecurity via camera bug