RedGiantRedGiant :Peacefully restrain the mecha

Your turn. You move to intercept a dangerous threat to your friend. But even with your prodigious strength, you can only just barely get control of one clamp. This thing could pulp anyone else before they got a chance to react.

RedGiantRedGiant: I've got it! I've, guh, mostly got it!
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: Hahhhh... your own hardsuit is powered, then?
RedGiantRedGiant: Huh?
RedGiantRedGiant: Oh, I guess.
RedGiantRedGiant: Mostly weight training.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Buy NeutronNeutron just a few seconds more!
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: I shall work to solve this decisively!

WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf : cut open the hydraulic tubes on the back of the arms