NeutronNeutron: "Exit blocked by security. Leaving will take a moment. Cannot reimburse arm, but no further objectives in department."

Despite the dangerous implicit threat, you try to do the one thing you're really bad at: Negotiation. None of you are very good at it, if you're being honest.

ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: I don't care. Go out among the robots.
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: There's enough schemes afoot to stop you, between HeadOfSecurityHeadOfSecurity and ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer and CaptainCaptain, and that is why I want you gone.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: That is not an option we can follow.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Your negotiation from such an uncompromising position is foolish.
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: Find a solution or go into the waiting arms of the security department, but either way, I want your disruptions gone, and I will be well justified in violence to achieve that.

Your friend RedGiantRedGiant succumbs to his nervous tic, and tries to convey his usual policy of nonviolence.

RedGiantRedGiant: Hahhhh... really? You think it will turn out well for you if this goes to violence?
RedGiantRedGiant: I'd be worried for you. That's not a good decision.
RedGiantRedGiant: I hear a lot of people lately saying that the shuttle ought to be called instead.
RedGiantRedGiant: You wouldn't happen to know somethin' about that, would you?
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: Ghhhhk...
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: I've no intention of abandoning my work here unless there are no other options!
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: And right now, one presents itself quite clearly.

NeutronNeutron : Inventory check.