WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf : You feel....different. Like a part of you is missing (other than the obviously missing arm).

Drifting in and out of awareness, you tally your losses for the day. The Ls have stacked hard, and it brings you a despair you resolve to never open up emotionally about, because of how cool you'd like to look.

You've lost consciousness. Parts of your pride and self-esteem. A bit of your image. A few fights. Your sword. Your entire arm...

There's something else though. You can't put your finger on it now.

RedDwarfRedDwarf: Get her down! Get her on the ground, get a stim in her!
NeutronNeutron: Did anyone follow?! Did anyone--
RedGiantRedGiant: I don't see anyone! Focus!
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Shit, shit! Hell, she's still bleedin' all over!
NeutronNeutron: Hang on!
RedDwarfRedDwarf: We need meds on her now!
NeutronNeutron: Please, please be okay...
RedGiantRedGiant: I believe in you, NeutronNeutron! I know you can help her!
NeutronNeutron: Where is it, where is it...

WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Oh no. SpiderSpider.