janitor: you need to be ready
janitor: right now only one thing matters
janitor: what
HeadOfSecurity: ...Killin' those Operators.
janitor: that means nothing else matters
janitor: rules
janitor: people
janitor: friendships
janitor: they're ways of making you weak
janitor: operators taking advantage of you
janitor: don't let them
janitor: no attachments
janitor: ruthless
janitor: making the tough choices
janitor: like a man
janitor: are you a man who can make those tough choices
HeadOfSecurity: ...Always been.
janitor: good
janitor: here
HeadOfSecurity: Huh? Wait, this is
RedDwarf's gun!
HeadOfSecurity: I confiscated that, how'd you--
janitor: missing now
janitor: take it
janitor: do the tough things that need doing in hard times
HeadOfSecurity: Hey. Wait a damn second, you can't--!
janitor: you have to make a hard decision
janitor: hold yourself to tasers and cuffs
janitor: or
janitor: do what needs doing
janitor: are you scared?
HeadOfSecurity: Heh. Alright, I guess you know the score.
HeadOfSecurity: I'll go tell the heads what I'll do next.
HeadOfSecurity: You clean up here.
janitor: already did