HeadOfSecurity : You've put the screws on RedDwarf proper
You can't get the most critical info out of him. Details about his secondary objective are elusive, when you can't literally apply actual screws, considering the cyborgs here.
HeadOfSecurity: Stop playing games and tell me what I want to know!
HeadOfSecurity: Give me a goddamn name!
RedDwarf: RedDwarf. RedGiant. WhiteDwarf. Neutron.
HeadOfSecurity: Shut up. I don't give a clown's ass about your little crew. Who told you it was here?!
HeadOfSecurity: Who told you about it?! Where did you find out?!
RedDwarf: Syndicate.
HeadOfSecurity: Don't you lie to me. Don't you try to pass that shit off to me like I can't smell it.
HeadOfSecurity: The Syndicate doesn't know about it.
HeadOfSecurity: They know where and when to plant bombs and agents, and how to write bullshit manifestos.
HeadOfSecurity: Only me and our Captain knew about it. Who fucking told you it was here?!
HeadOfSecurity: When AI comes back online, I'm putting a laser charge through that fucking helmet if you don't tell me. Who gave you the goddamn info?!
HeadOfSecurity: Fine. Get your skull burned, I don't care. I'll get it out of the rest of your gang.
RedDwarf: Didn't tell them about it.
HeadOfSecurity: What?! I said quit lying!
RedDwarf: Didn't tell them. In case of this. Heh.
HeadOfSecurity: So they don't even know you're here to find it?
RedDwarf: Nope.