Using your camera bug, you peek through the camera nearest to HeadOfSecurityHeadOfSecurity.

NeutronNeutron: I've found RedDwarfRedDwarf.
RedGiantRedGiant: Thank goodness! Okay, lead the way. Is he okay?
NeutronNeutron: No.
RedGiantRedGiant: Oh! Oh no!
RedGiantRedGiant: We need to help him! What's happening?
NeutronNeutron: The CyborgCyborgs are keeping him from dying.
NeutronNeutron: I think he'll probably die if AIAI comes back online. It was able to hurt me before.
RedGiantRedGiant: We have to stop that!
RedGiantRedGiant: WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf!
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: What?
RedGiantRedGiant: Look, I don't know why, but I think you're probably upset about something. It sounds kind of serious. And I want you to know, I'm here to help you! I'll be here to help with whatever problems you're facing down, even though I know you're strong enough not to need it.
RedGiantRedGiant: But RedDwarfRedDwarf is in trouble, and maybe hurt, and he could die.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: ...
RedGiantRedGiant: And I'm not smart the way you, or NeutronNeutron, or RedDwarfRedDwarf are, and I definitely can't fix injuries. If RedDwarfRedDwarf is wounded, or if we need to plan things out a lot, I really need you there.
RedGiantRedGiant: Can you please help?
RedGiantRedGiant: You too, NeutronNeutron. Your new objective is helping RedDwarfRedDwarf be safe!
NeutronNeutron: That was already an objective.
RedGiantRedGiant: Huh?
NeutronNeutron: I won't let RedDwarfRedDwarf get hurt.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: I won't either.
RedGiantRedGiant: Oh... Oh! Thank goodness. Alright.
RedGiantRedGiant: I'm taking NeutronNeutron to wherever he is. Can you meet us there, WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf?
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Yeah.
NeutronNeutron: He's at HeadOfSecurityHeadOfSecurity's office.
WhiteDwarfWhiteDwarf: Inbound fast.
RedGiantRedGiant: We'll be there soon!
RedGiantRedGiant: Please hold on, RedDwarfRedDwarf...
