Neutron: I said to leave.
ChiefEngineer: And I said no.
ChiefEngineer: You've powered through everything else. But you stop here.
ChiefEngineer: This is my station, these are my airlocks, those are my wires.
Neutron: Get out of my way. You're between me and my objective.
ChiefEngineer: Tough.
Neutron: I need to get inside.
ChiefEngineer: You want into a vault?
ChiefEngineer: Make your own pressure-sealed hull. Build your own interior compartments. Reinforce your own walls. Stock your own wealth. Build your own door. Wire your own electronics. Hack your own hacks. I won't stop you.
ChiefEngineer: But first and foremost, fuck right off.
ChiefEngineer: This is mine.
ChiefEngineer: My door, my station, my crew. And I make sure you get as little as possible from all of them.
Neutron: You're not Captain.
ChiefEngineer: And someday I'm gonna be. Someday you're gonna be a corpse, too.
ChiefEngineer: Let's achieve a couple inevitabilities.
ChiefEngineer: I've got the focus to last hours. Do you?
Neutron: I need to get inside.
ChiefEngineer: Guess so.