CaptainCaptain: Express the consummate professionalism and surprising humanity so rare among brass

CaptainCaptain: This doesn't need to be such a violent kind of thing. We can be civil about handling your crime.
CaptainCaptain: You have your folks stand down, I have mine calm, we collect our wounded and resuscitate our dead. We'll keep you in a sensible, humane brig and negotiate.
CaptainCaptain: Death cults, aliens, mutineers, kinds like that. Company keeps men on the payroll to help with greater evils on the road to a brighter tomorrow, and they always need more. Men who can keep the bones that need paving over... lesser in number. Could put in a good word for you.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: That's not how this works. We don't back down.
CaptainCaptain: Says who? You can just as easily live your life of righteous violence without such devastating nuclear annihilation being involved. No god will smite you for failing your commandments. Men like us can choose a middle path freely.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Men like you.
CaptainCaptain: How tremendously witty, RedDwarfRedDwarf. What makes us different?
RedDwarfRedDwarf: I've got the integrity to care about the bones I'm pavin' over. Call your escape shuttle, turn the disk over without a fight, get your crew out of our way, and maybe I let you live.
CaptainCaptain: You're in a poor position to make that offer in negotiations.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: That what you think?

RedDwarfRedDwarf: DO THE THING!