ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: Think, chief, think. What's can you do, who can you call in this time of crisis? Thats right, the unwashed masses.

ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: Put out an all-call. People around here are bloodthirsty enough, they wanna rumble.
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: CaptainCaptain's checked out, we can fill in. See who we can get.
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: It would hardly be enough. Sending random, poorly-armed crewmembers against this assault is suicide.
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: Not our suicide.
ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: Aghast that you would suggest this. We need more than only that.
ChiefEngineerChiefEngineer: Hmmmh... Alright, we can fill out the plan.

ResearchDirectorResearchDirector: Call upon RoboticistRoboticist to return the SecOfficerSecOfficers to duty.