RedGiantRedGiant: "Hey boss, what's the buzz?"

RedDwarfRedDwarf: I should be goddamn askin' you what the hell that buzz is. Where you been?! We been tryin' to hail ya!
RedGiantRedGiant: First I was at the cargo bay, now I'm at the medical bay!
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Did you at least get those crate-monkeys suckin' dirt? You got them permanently chilled-out?

You don't know what some of the stuff RedDwarfRedDwarf says actually means, but you think the wording sounds awfully cool! You like to pick up on his style for your casual conversation.

RedGiantRedGiant: I... think so?
RedDwarfRedDwarf: You think so? I'm askin' you, did you get QuarterMasterQuarterMaster taken care of or not?
RedGiantRedGiant: Oh, yeah, he's going to be in medbay for an awfully long time.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Aces. Knew I could depend on you.
RedDwarfRedDwarf: Need you to get the Package aboard. Do a spacewalk out to the shuttle and bring it in.

RedGiantRedGiant: The package... You must of forgotten to get gifts for your friends! You should head back to the ship and find something they'll like.