RedGiant: use the guys ID to order something fun from the delivery shuttle. Maybe party supplies, or a goat.
Maybe this prep-work wasn't a good idea. What if you order something instead? After all, you're in the cargo department! Maybe they get... delivery pizzas or something? And didn't RedDwarf have something they wanted done with it, like...
RedDwarf: ...ll the entire department. Okay?
RedGiant: Okay!
RedDwarf: Alright, now repeat it back to me.
RedGiant: Huh?
RedDwarf: Repeat it back so I know you heard it.
RedGiant: Oh, I didn't.
RedDwarf: Hhhhrrrrrrrhhhh.
RedDwarf: Listen. Okay? Listen. Just remember specifically this one thing: Make sure they can't order anything.
RedDwarf: Okay? Can you remember that? That's the only thing you have to remember.
RedGiant: That sounds easy!
RedDwarf: Yes. Now, the guys with the access are all through cargo. So, find them all, and then start...