RedGiant: I'll let
RedDwarf know. But just in case you're wrong, I'm going to stay here. To follow up with you. Is that alright with you?
QuarterMaster: H
QuarterMaster: GREAT THAT'S FINE
RedGiant: Good. I'm sure what you told me will work just fine, though. Things will work out just fine if we help each other out, as good friends.
QuarterMaster seems awfully stressed out! Maybe you can help him, since he's helping you too! You should get him that meal while you radio
WhiteDwarf probably wants to know too! She's headed for Security for something or another -- you weren't, honestly, paying that much attention during
RedDwarf's talk about today's job, but good friends working together can do so much to help each other. Well, you have some of the supply area handled for now. You'll just need to keep an eye out here, to maintain that goal. Persistence and patience are important for achieving objectives! That's what
Neutron always tells you, because
Neutron only ever talks about objectives.