RedGiant: Gossip with him about work.
RedGiant: A, ahah, a friend of mine,
RedDwarf, has something he wants here.
RedGiant: Something he lost, you know.
RedDwarf is always losing things! He's very silly!
RedGiant: It's important for my job that I find it.
RedGiant: You're able to help me, aren't you?
QuarterMaster: HHH
RedGiant: It's a small disk. He said
Captain might have found it. He said he might give it to another head of staff, for safekeeping! Who knows what sort of bad things might happen if it's out and about. You know where it is, don't you? Since you're a head of staff.
QuarterMaster: UH
QuarterMaster: N
QuarterMaster: NO
RedGiant: Oh, no? You can't help?
RedGiant: That's really, really too bad.
RedGiant: Because some terrible things might happen if I don't find out who has that disk.
Really, RedDwarf might get very upset! It's important you track it down before he gets all stressed. His anxiety flares up bad, and you really want to help him feel better.