Copy the form with 📋 this link, and paste this form into your email and fill it out! This is to assist in documentation of everything. Attach reference materials. Do not under any circumstances put anything 18+ in the email, invoice responses, or payment information, otherwise Paypal trust and safety will eat my face.
Commission form to purchase a DECOMPRESSED commission!
Number of desired keyframes: 
Number of desired VFX chunks: 
Number of desired walk cycles: 
Cost total: 
(Optional) Previously negotiated discount rate: 
(Optional) Title of piece: 
(Optional) Commissioner's name: 
(Optional) Link to the relevant social, site, or whatever: 
(Optional) Commissioner's pronouns: 

You, the commissioner, retain all rights to the character and get all rights related to the animation specifically, so long as that animation isn't used for commercial purposes. Animations used for commercial purposes may be negotiated at an alternate rate. I retain only the right to post the animation as an example in portfolios or as sample and example materials to promote myself and my work. There's probably a more extensive copyright policy used by commissionees elsewhere and this is as much a legal declaration that I am trying to cite it as I can write. Stop reading this text I made it tiny on purpose.